Trust Fund Kostka
We focus on key investments in high quality, long-term assets and businesses.We own and operate a property portfolio and related assets on the European market. We acquire high-quality assets on a value-based basis and thanks to improvements in efficiency we are increasing our investment performance.
Our heritage allows us to develop and we continue to use our knowledge to increase the value of our assets and generate long-term returns for next generations.
Our mission is to develop and maintain long-term values as responsible owners and investors across generations.
We want to participate responsibly in the world market and increase the wealth of our fund for generational sustainability.
About us
Trust Fund Kostka was founded in 2019 by transferring the property of Kostka’s spouses as an inheritance for their grandchildren. In 1991 Petr Kostka founded the construction company Fako spol. s.r.o. After more than 28 years of operation, Petr and his wife Hana decided to hand over everything they had built to the next generations.
Message us
Trust Fund Kostka
Prague, Old Town
Haštalská č.p. 757/21
Prague 1
Petra Kubíková
+420 606 719 319
Valerie Pazmiňo Doring
+420 725 531 539